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O Tannenbaum: Pick you level - Piano sheet music

This page contains a collection of downloadable piano solo sheet music for "O Tannenbaum (O Christmas Tree)" at multiple levels.

"O Tannenbaum" was originally an old German folk song. It sang about a faithful fir tree compared to a faithless lover. But it became very popular in the 20th century as a Christmas carol all over the world. The lyrics were written by a German organist, poet, and composer Ernst Anschütz in 1824 based on the folk melody composed by a German composer Melchior Franck (1579 - 1639) from the late Renaissance and early Baroque eras.

Here on this page, we offer several different levels of "O Tannenbaum (O Christmas Tree)." The Level 1 and 2 arrangements come with the hand-position tutorial page and fingering numbers on the music score. Currently, we have 3 different levels of this song (Level 1, 2, and 6). Level 6 has a jazz ballad style arrangement. We may come up with an arrangement at Level 3, 4, or 5) soon. So, stay tuned. And all the arrangements are for piano solo. However, you or someone else can sing along with your favorite version of lyrics. We didn't include a lyrics page in PDF file because there are so many versions of lyrics.

The web-page of each arrangement has its own free complete audio sample for you to refer to before purchasing the sheet music. You can also take advantage of the recording after buying the sheet music to improve your playing skills on a particular level of arrangement. All the music sheets here were carefully created at Galaxy Music Notes for the highest quality.

To find more piano solo sheet music of folk songs or Christmas / winter holiday songs, please visit our collection pages, "Folk Songs" and "Christmas Songs."